Grupo Argos plays an active role in the sustainability vision of its strategic investments, for which it has a Corporate Sustainability Strategy that sets the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance goals of the Business Group and that is fed by a broad vision, supported by the trends of each industry in which Cementos Argos, Celsia and Odinsa participate.

Grupo Argos sustainability strategy consists of being conscious in our investments, responsible in our operations and at the forefront in our ESG practices, in order to generate value for our shareholders, for society and for the planet. The transversal management of the sustainability strategy has a corporate governance scheme that guarantees alignment thanks to the participation of our executives in the boards of directors and sustainability committees of the companies as patrimonial members, in addition to a shared scheme of goals and objectives, transversal for the entire Business Group that are in line with the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development and the United Nations 2030 Agenda.



Our Corporate Governance and Compliance systems define and set the standards of ethics, conduct and transparency under which we establish comprehensive management mechanisms for our stakeholders.

Structure of the Board of Directors


The Board of Directors is our highest governance body and has an overview of all of the Group's businesses. It has a diverse composition in terms of gender, skills and experience, with the active participation of independent members.

Our Board defines corporate strategy, oversees management's activities and monitors risks and opportunities arising from economic, environmental and social issues.

  • Rosario Córdoba

    Independent member

  • Claudia Betancourt

    Patrimonial member

  • Ana Cristina Arango

    Independent member

  • Jorge Uribe

    Independent member

  • Jaime Alberto Palacio

    Independent member

  • Juana Francisca Llano

    Patrimonial member

  • Ricardo Jaramillo

    Patrimonial member

Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee

The Board of Directors, through our Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee, assumes responsibility for the management and monitoring of all ESG risks and opportunities. The Board of Directors and its Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee define the ESG strategy, approve and follow up on the plans for its execution. The above is discussed in the strategic businesses through their Boards of Directors, the Transversal Sustainability Committee integrated by the responsible vice presidents and the Sustainability Synergy Committee integrated by the Grupo Argos teams and all its businesses. 

This committee is comprised of three members of the Board, at least one of whom must be an independent member. The President of the Company attends the meetings, with voice, but without vote, and the Secretary General of the Company, or the person designated by him, acts as secretary.

Our Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee is comprised of:

  • Rosario Córdoba

    Independent member

  • Claudia Betancourt

    Patrimonial member

  • Ricardo Jaramillo

    Patrimonial member


Grupo Argos, as an investment holding company, is aware of the impact generated by its strategic businesses. Thus, our operational guidelines guarantee alignment and monitoring of priority environmental topics in our businesses. This leads them to operate responsibly, minimizing the negative and maximizing the positive impact of their activities. Thus, ensuring responsible operation is one of the main objectives of all the environmental processes at our subsidiaries, which have full autonomy to act according to their competitive strategies. Each of our subsidiaries also has an environmental strategy according to the characteristics of each business and the industry where they operate. Exercising our role as the active strategic architect, we have prioritized four environmental topics we consider relevant to all our businesses in a cross-cutting manner.


Talent management

We transcend to build a better tomorrow. To maximize our capacity for transformation, we attract, develop and retain the best talent motivated by a team of leaders with a sense of integrity and the ability to inspire more than 11,500 employees to work for a higher purpose.

  • Culture, attraction, and retention of talent

    We work under a common purpose that allows us to transcend, inspire, take accountability and operate under a common principle of integrity. On this front, we have strategies for employer brand, talent planning and development, performance management, and individual development plans. Learn more about our culture here.

  • Labor practices

    We understand that our differences unite us. That is why we develop programs that will allow us to count on diverse and multicultural talent, which brings together wills and visions to fulfill dreams and positively transform the lives of millions of people. We work on diversity and inclusion, employee engagement, and workplace environment, compensation, welfare, and freedom of association.

  • Health and safety at work

    We are committed to protecting and promoting our employees' health, safety, and wellbeing so that they return home safe and healthy.


  • Human rights

    We are committed to respecting and promoting human rights. A sense of integrity guides us as the foundation of business management, and we take responsibility for preventing and identifying the effects of our operations.